Let’s Aim For Longer Lives

Public Health England is a new government organisation – dealing with public health.

In this video John Newton, Chief Knowledge Officer at Public Health England, introduces Longer Lives — a new web-based tool which allows local people to see how their areas perform on early deaths from major killers, like heart disease and cancer, and how it varies across the country.

We’ll be looking at the Longer Lives website again in the future – here’s just a taster of the info there, which shows that Essex isn’t do that well in preventing premature deaths from cancer:

But we are doing better with heart disease:

About the author, admin

  • This reminds me about the doctor that told his patient that he must give up drinking, smoking and women and live on salad etc for the rest of his life,. The man asked if this would make him live longer, the doctor replied no but it sure will feel like it.

  • Seems to me they want their cake and eat it. Eat healthy food, don’t smoke or drink, live longer, but don’t expect us to have any care home space if you need it, or want you taking up a hospital bed. Don’t expect us to do anything but moan about the cost of your state pension, even though you’ve paid tax and NI all your working life. Don’t expect us to ensure you have a decent standard of living, poverty line is plenty good enough.

    In fact, on balance, we think we’d prefer it if you were really healthy all the time you were working and paying taxes, but quietly went into a corner and popped off as soon as you reach retirement age so you don’t cost us anything.

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