Sports Pitch Application Recommended For Approval



The Sports Pitch application from Academy Soccer comes to the District Council Development Committee next Thursday. You can find the agenda here.

The report runs to 32 pages but here are the officer’s conclusions:

6.1 The proposed use of the site for football pitches is an appropriate use of land
within the Metropolitan Green Belt. The proposed changing rooms would be
appropriate facilities for outdoor sport and recreation in accordance with the
National Planning Policy Framework and local policies for development in the
Metropolitan Green Belt. The ball catch fencing will have an impact on the
openness of the area generally but has to be weighed against the wider
recreational benefits, access to the countryside inherent in the application and
its necessity on highway safety grounds.
6.2 The use proposed would provide sufficient off street car parking and would
not give rise to adverse conditions of highway safety or residential amenity
that would weigh against the merits of the proposal.


About the author, admin

  • I am amazed at this. I would have thought that Policy LT21 especially the bit about noise and disturbance to nearby residential properties should apply here and that alone should be enough to recommend refusal, and what about the flood risk assessment, has this been done? Fairly relevant in view of today I would have thought, one in a hundred years has now been one each year last two years.

    Is this yet another case of Planning Officers not following their own guidelines?

  • Thanks Christine for your comments I am presenting our case th. Council this evening and the basis of this covers your comments (by coincidence)I am afraid my wife and I do not know you are you a resident of Rawreth?.
    Kind. Regards
    Dave. Collins

  • Yes, lived here for just over 20 years now but our bungalow goes back in the family to my husbands grandparents who were the first owners. We are on London Road. You’ve probably seen me around, short lady, big German Shepherd dog.

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