Post Election Blues




The “Rochford Life” online magazine has a new interview with Rochford Councillor Gill Lucas-Gill in the aftermath of the local elections. Understandably she’s disappointed with the turnout:

RL: So what do you feel about the elections?
Jill: Well I think the big disappointment of the elections was the turnout; it was awful.

RL: Do you think it is more to do with national politics than it is local politics and that people are basically just tired out with politics, especially in the present economic climate?
Jill: I think people probably are and I appreciate that, unless you are in it like we are, it doesn?t have the effect upon you that perhaps it should do, but I just think that it would be good if everybody came out and voted, but 22.2% is appalling. It?s never high in any election but this was terrible.

You can read the full article here.

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